Saturday, June 15, 2013

Re-create Dolly Wink - Pure Little Look


Hahahah. Aku sebenernya sambil ketawa-tawa, sambil nulis blog ini.
Kenapa? Karena untuk pertama kalinya aku coba ikutan makeup contest. Hahahha. Ya ini rasanya beda banget. Soalnya aku biasa make-up untuk kepentingan biasa, ngga untuk kontes2. Makanya agak malu dengan kemampuan make-up -,- Tapi yah, cobain aja lah.

One day pas aku lagi buka grup nya Indonesian Beauty Blogger di Facebook. Nemu Owner pygmalion land posting soal make up contest. Karena aku kepo, aku coba deh liat (belum ada niat ikutan sih), cuma setelah aku baca, ada 1 look yang memungkinkan untuk aku re-create. Pure Little.

Ini yang aku mau coba re-create, soalnya kayanya ngga ribet dan aku suka lipstick merah (alasan yang aneh hahhaa). Akhirnya, karna hari ini (Hari Sabtu) aku ngga pergi kemana-mana, aku iseng aja coba re-create.

Untuk re-create look ini, yang aku pake:
  1. BB Cream - Skinfood - Good Afternoon Honey Black Tea
  2. Bedak - Marcks' Translucent Powder
  3. Eyeshadow - Nora Eyeshadow Palette
  4. Alis - Skinfood Choco Eyebrow Powder Cake
  5. Eyeliner - Etude - Oh My Eyeliner (Grey)
  6. Mascara - Maybeline Long Extreme Double Stretch
  7. Lipstick - Maybeline 645 - Red Revival
bare face
Ini Hasilnya

Ngga tau sih bakal menang atau ngga, tapi aku pasti bakal bangga karna udah nyoba. Hahahha. Anyway, aku masih baru masalah posting soal Re-Create Makeup jadi aku belom bisa kasih posting bagus dengan tutorial recreate nya. Aku susah sih buat foto pas aku lagi dandan. Hahahaha.
*Kasih tau dong tips tipsnya buat bikin posting tutorial dandan :D

OOT, temen-temen aku suka nanya cara re-create look ini:

Kalo kalian mau juga, nanti aku bikinin tutorial nya, sambil belajar hehehe.

Thanks for reading :)

Big Hug and Kisses :*


Review: SK II - Facial Treatment Essence and Facial Treatment Clear Lotion (UPDATE)

Hi there!

I Miss you and it's been so long, I haven't written anything for a while. As usual, I am so busy.
However, I was trying to keep my skin healthy by trying this and that. By this moment I am arriving at some different level of skin care. Why? Because of this:

So, I bet you guys all have heard about the SK - II. Especially the Facial Treatment Essence, or well people will call it "Miracle water" or "Holy water" (yeah right).
I was never ever in my whole life thinking about trying this product, because this is way too expensive, jeez it's hurting your wallet!

Anyway, I found a good online shop to buy a sample size of this baby on Indonesia, check on this:
They provide us a sample size of expensive-branded product such as SK-II, Shu Uemura, Clinique, Shiseido and things like that.
After found this website me and my sister were trying to buy a sample of SK - II. So we bought the Facial Treatment Essence (serum), Facial Treatment Clear lotion (toner), the Cellumination Deep Surge (moisturizer), and the Whitening Source Derm - Brightener (moisturizer) all in tiny sizes.

SK-II FTE and SK-II FT Clear Lotion Tiny Size
My sister tried it first with the both moisturizer without trying any Pitera Set (The Facial Treatment Essence and Facial Treatment Clear Lotion), and whoa she really looks good. Before, her skin was troubled with sort of bumpy face, redness, and somehow looked like acnes, but it's not (I really don't know what it called). Her skin started to brighten up and the harsh texture on her skin started to melt down gradually in four days. YES, YOU ARE NOT MISREAD IT. It's FOUR DAYS. (Sorry with the caps lock, I looked angry haha).

Anyway, I saw her skin and decided to try the products. Even more, I was buying the FTE (my abbreviation of Facial Treatment Essence) and the FT Clear Lotion. They said it is a perfect match, so I bought two of those babies.
This is how I use those things:
1. I clean my face up with my fav facial wash (either the Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil, or my recent fav the Herb 365 Acerola by Face Shop).
2. I remove the dirts and soap excess with FT Clear Lotion with a cotton pad
3. I pat on the FTE on my bare hand without any cotton pad used (yea, it's too expensive to be left on a cotton pad. LOL) about 2-3 drops.
4. I apply the Cellumination Deep Surge on a day or apply the Whitening Source Derm Brightener on a night time. ( I don't know which on is right, but I decided to apply the Cellumination Deep Surge on a day time because its texture is lighter).
5. On a day time, I add Skinfood Golden Kiwi Sun Screen SPF 50.

So please find my before-after picture:
March 2013

This is my before picture. I had blemishes on my cheeks. I also had a discoloration on my nose. This was literally me on bare face :D
 I put only Marcks' Venus Translucent Powder and EOS Lipbalm.

I took this about 3 months ago.
My Skintype is a normal one. Pretty sensitive. If I was using wrong product, it'll be greasy and sticky, even though in a normal time, it's not oily.

June 2013
This is me, few days back. As you can see, i now have bangs. (NO, Using SK II doesn't produce bangs. hahaha). Anyway, SK II definitely define my skin even more. It feels so smooth. The redness on my cheeks are disappeared. Discolorations on my nose are gone. I won't say that SK II will fit you, but at least this is what I got from those babies. I didn't use any of BB Cream or foundation, it's just a translucent powder and here I am still using the EOS Lipbalm (Strawberry).

 The picture above is the size of SK II sample. I'll show you a bigger size:
Comparison with my tiny hands

That's FTE for bigger size, it cost about 200K Rupiahs and lasts for about 2 months.
Honestly, the Fullsize is as expensive as hell! But totally worth it. So, now SK - II the main things for my skin regime. I also tried to stop using it to see whether I'm addicted to it or not. And it doesn't produce any blemishes, redness, nothing. So I think when people said if you are stop using SK-II it will damage your skin and make that even more dull, it's because you are attached to that particular skincare, and the fact that your skin is not as good as when you are using it, is pretty much sum up, why people hate to love SK-II. Like one of my friend said, "Once you are hooked to the red box, there's no turning back".

Please let me know your feedback within this post. I'd appreciate anything.

I didn't get pay from SK-II or any stuffs I mentioned. This is pure review. Every products may produce a different result on different skin type.

Review: 4 out of 5 stars!! It will be five if the price is not that much >.<
Mini Sample Size: FTE and FT Clear Lotion: about 75K Rupiahs. (7.6 USD)
Bigger Sample Size: FTE: 200K Rupiahs. (20.26 USD)
Repurchase: Definitely

Update (November 2013):
I've been using SK-II for eh…. 6 months?
I have so many improvements. Here's what I look like nowadays :D (Please don't mind the guy behind me, I took these yesterday at office :D)
just dust of powder, touch of eyeliner, and lipgloss
with glasses :D

As you all can see, my face is now glowing (I almost cry during this time I write LOL). I don't have any discoloration on my nose, I don't have any blemishes (like all the time, even when it's on my period)! I don't have redness except for my own cheek natural blush. And one big update is, I only use SK-II Facial Treatment Essence. Yes, I don't need to buy all of those (extremely) expensive Stuffs! I found my perfect regime :)
So, this all back to you, I hope you found your perfect baby. I believe that once we found it, we won't even face redness or acnes prone issues on our skin!

Keep finding your best!

Big hug and Kisses :*
